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Promoting the environment

Excellence Initiative Climate Protection Companies eV: Companies can apply to be beacons for climate protection

The Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Environment Ministry, together with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, are calling on businesses to apply as climate protection companies. Regardless of size and industry, companies with the strategic corporate goal of climate protection, environmental protection or adaptation to the climate crisis can apply to become lighthouse companies and become members of the Excellence Initiative Climate Protection Companies eV. Applications can be submitted until July 31, 2022.

When it comes to 5G expansion, North Rhine-Westphalia occupies a leading position among the regional states

Minister Pinkwart: The successful model of the mobile communications pact continues. With a penetration level of around 71 percent for 5G, North Rhine-Westphalia is already very well served. This is shown by current figures from the Federal Network Agency, which were evaluated as part of the Mobile Communications Pact 2.0 between the state government and network operators.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is launching a new sustainability portal

The transformation of the industrial state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the importance of sustainable financial and capital flows were central topics of the sustainability conference "Sustainable Finance" on February 23, 2022, which was attended by Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser and Finance Minister Lutz Lienenkämper, as well as other high-ranking representatives from science and business , administration and civil society took part.


The world's largest event for the medical industry will take place on November 14th, 2022 - November 17th, 2022 at the Düsseldorf Trade Fair.
Lisa Berle

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