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BMWK publishes report on the future of work

In the report on “The Future of Work in Digital Transformation”, the Scientific Advisory Board at BMWK recommends a digital catch-up process to strengthen the market position of German companies and an integrated system of training and further education.
Lisa Berle

Replace cartilage with organic ink

An interdisciplinary team from the DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials and the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen wants to develop an alternative technology for replacing tissue in the TriggerINK project.
Lisa Berle

Kick-off of the ökoRAUSCH pop-up exhibition

This special eye-catcher not only shows that CO2-neutral transport of such a mini-exhibition in the city is possible: It also provides a prime example of how clever product design and solid craftsmanship can go hand in hand to develop and produce an innovative presentation tool , which is a role model when it comes to sustainability.
Lisa Berle

New research project investigates resistance to psychotropic drugs

In order to get to the bottom of treatment resistance to psychotropic drugs, researchers from 12 countries have joined forces in the EU project PSYCH-STRATA, which is coordinated by the University of Münster. Their goal: to create a “biotype” for the early detection and treatment of patients at risk of resistance to therapy.
Lisa Berle

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