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Networking, developing together: quantum technologies in NRW


Quantum technologies are on the threshold of sustainably changing the landscape of research and business. Their ability to revolutionize processes such as forecasting, diagnostics and the use of sensor data marks the beginning of a new era. The NRW state government recognizes the immense potential of these technologies and is positioning the state as a future technology leader. The office of the quantum technology network “EIN Quantum NRW” is intended to bundle NRW’s strengths in business and science.

In order to realize this vision and create awareness of the possible applications of quantum technologies, NMWP Management GmbH invites you to the kick-off event on April 16, 2024 in Düsseldorf . This event offers a unique platform for exchange and networking with experts from business, science and politics. Not only is insight into the goals and the team behind EIN Quantum NRW provided, but also the opportunity to become part of a strong network.

In addition to informative contributions, the event promises to provide ample opportunity for discussions and personal conversations in order to lay the foundation for future collaborations and innovations. Anyone interested is encouraged to register immediately as places are limited. Take advantage of the opportunity to be at the forefront of the technological revolution and set the course for the future.

Source: EIN Quantum NRW

Learn more?

To register for the “EIN Quantum NRW Kick-off” go here:
