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NRW is investing in a green future


The funding program – climate protection technology in North Rhine-Westphalia is showing results: more than 100 million euros in funding have already been applied for since the beginning of 2023. The program therefore provides significant support for citizens, companies and municipalities to implement innovative climate protection technologies.

With over 6,000 applications submitted, the program underlines the high demand and commitment in NRW to the expansion of renewable energies and the use of technologies to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2. Particularly noteworthy is the funding for the installation and expansion of photovoltaic systems, which made an important contribution in 2023 with 38 million euros for 451 roof systems on municipal buildings.

Due to strained budgetary situations and changes to the European funding framework, a new funding guideline is expected for 2024. Nevertheless, the funding options remain diverse, including the Citizens' Energy Fund, which will support the preliminary planning costs of community energy projects from January 1, 2024. KlimaQuartier.NRW and the “More photovoltaics on commercial roofs” campaign are also part of the initiatives to further promote the expansion of renewable energies in NRW.

Source: Wirtschaft.NRW

Learn more?

Further information about the “” funding program can be found here:
