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Networking and innovation for progress


The future workshop that took place on December 7th, 2023, organized by NRW.innovativ, offered a profound insight into the applications of AI in NRW's healthcare system. The focus was on the potential, opportunities and risks of AI in innovative medicine and care.

Challenges and opportunities in NRW
A central topic of the workshop was the heterogeneous data landscape in NRW. Despite some data islands and lighthouses that are well linked according to the same standards, the challenge lies in the seamless connection and compatibility of the data according to international standards. This highlights the need for increased exchange and networking to advance AI development.

The role of patients and ethics
The discussions also emphasized the importance of patient participation in healthcare. It was highlighted that doctors often have limited knowledge about their patients and that using unstructured data is a challenge. Uniform standards and interoperability are therefore crucial to improve the quality of health data.

Future perspectives and strategies
The final discussions clearly showed that NRW can play a pioneering role in AI-based healthcare through its diversity and strong cooperation between different actors. With nine university medical locations and numerous research institutions, the region offers many opportunities for clinical studies and empirical evidence.

Source: NRW.innovativ; Frauenhofer ISI

Learn more?

Further information about this event series can be found here:

Future workshops