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Success stories from NRW

myneva Group – Improve care with speech recognition

The myneva Group, based in Essen, has one claim: The software developer wants to improve care. The company's software improves and speeds up documentation and administration . So that the nursing staff has more time for people. AI also plays a role in this.

The challenge

Time. Or more correctly: too little time. This is one of the biggest challenges in today's care. The need for care in our aging society is increasing, but the number of skilled workers is decreasing. The time that nurses can spend with people is therefore limited. But even when they are with their clients, they cannot fully devote every minute to them. Because they also have to fulfill extensive documentation requirements. “An estimated 25 percent of the time is required without modern software to document the respective care process,” says Dieter Weißhaar. That's two hours for an 8-hour shift. “These two hours are missing for personal care of people in need of care,” emphasizes the CEO of the myneva Group from Essen. There are still many nursing services and facilities in which paper-based documentation is used. That could be different. The myneva Group, which claims to be one of the leading software providers for all areas of social services, promises that the documentation effort can be halved with software. “The goal is to save an hour of time per shift,” emphasizes Weißhaar. “This time benefits the clients and the nursing staff.”

Commissioned by:

  • Photos: myneva Group
  • Text: Lothar Schmitz, business journalist Bonn
  • Publication:
    September 2024

Dieter Weißhaar, CEO myneva Group

“We are thus offering a solution to another challenge in the care sector.”

The innovation

myneva's software is used in geriatric care and assistance, in child and youth welfare, in integration assistance and in social services. The aim is always to provide carers with digital tools for modern documentation and administration. Digital recording of the data is less error-prone and saves time, and the data can also be processed further directly. For example, if fever values ​​are entered for a person, these are directly included in a diagram so that the nursing staff is informed at a glance about the progress. All those involved have a clear overview of all important data and information about the respective care situation at all times. myneva has now taken the next step: at the leading trade fair for geriatric care in Essen in April 2024, myneva showed for the first time complete mobile speech recognition, which makes the annoying typing on the laptop unnecessary. The company will also combine speech recognition with a translation function. “In this way, we offer a solution to another challenge in the care sector,” explains Weißhaar, “namely the immigrant skilled workers, who often still lack sufficient knowledge of German.” Thanks to the latest development from myneva, the nursing staff will receive all information about temperature, blood pressure and other things can speak in their native language. The data is then stored in German in the electronic documentation. “That too,” says Weißhaar, “saves an enormous amount of time and increases quality.” Another software development from myneva combines the classic home emergency call with new functions. A sensor on the ceiling monitors the room and detects if a person falls or has problems breathing or with their heart rate. Then the sensor, which comes from a cooperation partner, triggers an alarm.

More about the myneva Group
supported clients

The NRW effect

One of the key locations of the myneva Group is Essen. As the company announced in mid-April 2024, it has now relocated its headquarters to the Ruhr metropolis. Since then, the holding company of the software provider, which has 16 branches nationally and internationally, has been located in downtown Essen. The group announced in April that the good personnel and economic conditions in the Ruhr area, in addition to the concentration of the German companies in Essen, were the main deciding factor in choosing the location. In addition, Essen has developed into a center for the topic of e-health. “This gives us the opportunity for an uncomplicated exchange on innovations and digitalization in the healthcare system,” says Weißhaar happily. This cluster, the strong university environment and the large employment market are crucial location factors for him. The company not only actively recruits talent in the Ruhr area and North Rhine-Westphalia, but also regularly employs working students.

This success story of an innovative transformation was published in September 2024. There will be no updates or checks of the information afterwards

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Transformation through innovation

Background to the publication series

The publication series “Transformation through Innovation” is intended to illustrate how companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have been able to write successful innovation stories thanks to the framework conditions created by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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