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Heart research reaches new dimensions


The heart, one of the fundamental human organs, is at the center of international scientific endeavors. A diverse team of researchers from different countries, made up of specialists in cardiology and biophysics, has made significant progress at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology in Dortmund. By integrating diverse scientific perspectives and techniques, the team was able to map the 3D structure of thick filaments in heart muscle tissue in detail for the first time. The use of cryoelectron tomography was key to achieving unprecedented recording of this critical muscle component, and this success highlights the importance of collaborative international research efforts.

This advance in 3D visualization opens up new possibilities for understanding heart and muscle diseases and has the potential to advance the development of targeted treatment strategies. The combination of expertise and technologies from around the world reinforces the potential of this research to enrich medical science and have a tangible impact on patient care.

Source: Medizin.NRW; etc

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Further information on heart muscle research can be found here:
