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New funding module supports companies with up to €15,000

MID digital security supports micro, small and medium-sized companies in uncovering and fixing security gaps in their own operations and thus becoming more resilient to cyber attacks.

MID digital security supports micro, small and medium-sized companies in uncovering and fixing security gaps in their own operations and thus becoming more resilient to cyber attacks.

The new sub-program promotes measures in three different areas of focus, which can be combined with one another as desired:

  • With the help of the funding, companies can have an analysis of the current state of IT security carried out and take measures to eliminate the vulnerabilities identified.
  • Training for employees is supported in order to raise their awareness of digital security and provide them with targeted training.
  • The purchase of software for basic IT protection (e.g. anti-virus and anti-ransom software) is encouraged.

MID-Digital Security offers a funding rate of 80% for micro-enterprises and small businesses and 60% for medium-sized companies; the funding amount is €4,000-15,000.

Sources: MID, NRW.innovativ

Learn more?

Further information about the funding module can be found here:
MID digital security