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An in-depth look into the neural control of our metabolism

The renowned researcher Prof. Dr. Jens Brüning, Director at the University Hospital of Cologne and the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, recently received the prestigious Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). This award is given annually to outstanding researchers who have made significant contributions to their field of research. Brüning, who has already received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, is devoting his new project to researching neuronal circuits that are responsible for metabolic control and nutrition in the brain. His research aims to improve understanding of metabolic processes and could potentially contribute to the development of new therapies for obesity and related metabolic diseases.

The 2.5 million euros provided by the EU will support Brüning's research over the next five years. The project, which focuses on the hypothalamus, could provide significant insights into the mechanisms that control eating behavior and metabolic regulation. This is particularly relevant as the prevalence of obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease is increasing globally.

Source: Medizin.NRW

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Further information about Prof. Dr. Jens Brüning and the “Advanced Grant” here:
