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Procurement meets innovation


The focus of North Rhine-Westphalia is always on innovative strength. In a joint initiative with the KOINNO ROADSHOW, NRW.innovativ provided an in-depth look into the world of innovative public procurement procedures on September 21st. This free event served as a platform for companies and public clients to exchange views on future-oriented procurement concepts.

The event offered participants:

  • Practical insights: Current challenges and opportunities in public procurement were examined.
  • Interface to the NRW innovation landscape: An important interface that strengthens the innovation ecosystem in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • Latest technologies: Introduction to pilot projects that use modern technologies such as BIM, AI and Digital Twin.

In addition, the NRW.innovativ competence center emphasized its mission to strengthen NRW's innovation ecosystem by building bridges between innovation actors inside and outside of NRW.

The data presented by KOINNO shows that public contracts account for a significant share of GDP and that 67% of these contracts go to SMEs. This highlights the importance and potential that lies in public procurement.

Source: NRW.innovativ; KOINNO

Learn more?

Further information about the KOINNO project and events can be found here: