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Zinc battery revolution

By 9th, 2023 August 14th, 2023 No Comments

Efficient storage and hydrogen production


The revolutionary zinc battery could prove to be a game-changer in the energy transition and hydrogen production. Led by the renowned Fraunhofer IZM, an innovative project has unveiled an impressive and cost-effective zinc battery that can be used for both long-term storage and hydrogen production. With an efficiency of 50% in electricity storage and an impressive 80% in hydrogen production, it offers an expected lifespan of 10 years.

The challenges posed by the energy transition are significant. Despite the economic benefits of renewable energies such as wind and solar power, there is a lack of efficient and cost-effective storage technologies. This is where the Zn-H2 battery project comes to the fore, which has the potential to significantly support the energy transition. A consortium of leading research institutions and innovative companies such as Zn2H2 GmbH and Steel PRO Maschinenbau GmbH have come together to make this a reality. The team combines proven technologies, such as zinc anode technology, with the latest findings in alkaline water electrolysis. The result is a groundbreaking storage technology: resource-efficient, recyclable and, above all, cost-effective.

Initial tests of this technology promise not only impressive efficiencies, but also stability. What particularly stands out, however, is the prospect of a sustainable and green energy future. The new zinc battery could be the very tool that revolutionizes energy storage and hydrogen production for the coming era of energy transition. It will be exciting to see how this innovation will change the energy storage landscape.

Source: NMWP.NRW; Fraunhofer IZM

Learn more?

Further information about the zinc battery can be found here: