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The innovation prize was awarded in four categories for the first time in 2022

Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst and Economics Minister Professor Dr. Andreas Pinkwart was awarded the state's innovation prize on Monday, May 23, 2022.

The award, worth a total of 180,000 euros, was presented in the four categories “Innovation”, “Young Talent”, “innovation2business” and as an honorary prize.

Innovation category: University Professor Antonello Monti, PhD, Aachen.

Professor Antonello Monti is head of the Automation of Complex Power Systems at RWTH Aachen. In the specialist discipline of “Smart Energy Systems”, he and his team developed the highly innovative platform SOGNO (Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future). This is about a new, complex software platform for distribution network operators. The aim of the platform is to improve the control of the networks in order to enable the highest possible usability. By using digital control instruments, the utilization of existing networks can be increased. This is therefore of particular interest in the context of the energy transition. SOGNO (Italian for “dream”) has proven its usability in field tests and has already been implemented in several field tests.

The costs of transforming the power system can be substantially reduced through highly modern control technology.

Young talent category: Dr. Wladick Hartmann, Münster.

Dr. Wladick Hartmann, CTO of Pixel Photonics GmbH , Münster, and his team have developed high-speed and provably secure quantum communication systems based on superconducting nanowires. The innovative embedding in integrated optical circuits is a crucial step on the way to the quantum internet.

The core competence of “Pixel Photonics” lies in superconducting single photon detectors (quantum detectors). The resulting business model is aimed at new business areas in the area of ​​photonic technologies that previously could not be served with market-driven solutions. However, it is precisely this technological leap that can be achieved with the approach of scalable superconducting detection technology. Possible applications include quantum communication and quantum computing, optical sensors and highly sensitive cameras in the broadest sense. With its available technologies and know-how, “Pixel Photonics” is able to bring new key products to the market for these segments. Through access to wide spectral ranges, the highest temporal resolution coupled with the highest sensitivity, completely new territory can be entered in optical analysis.

Category innovation2business: Dr. Gabriela Figueroa Miranda, Jülich.

An international team led by the two researchers Dr. Gabriela Figueroa Miranda and Dr. Viviana Rincón Montes at the Research Center Jülich has developed a quantitative rapid test that can detect malaria at an early stage of the disease and distinguish between different types of malaria parasites. Dr. Figueroa Miranda receives the award on behalf of the team.

The new malaria sensor makes it possible to reliably detect an infection using the smallest blood samples. The new sensor can be manufactured inexpensively. The importance of this innovation for health, especially in poorer countries, is outstanding.

The quality of innovation is extremely high due to the clever approach of biosensory approach using aptamers, the chosen measurement methodology, technology of sensor arrays and chemical surface modification in this combination. Successful measurement in whole blood represents an important point in application-oriented research for biosensors. Dr. Gabriela Miranda and Viviana Montes have applied for a patent for the innovation and are planning to spin off a start-up for the rapid diagnosis of various infectious diseases.

Category “Honorary Award”: Professor Dr. Christoph M. Schmidt.

The award goes to the President of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Professor Dr. Christoph M. Schmidt, one of Europe's leading economists. Since 2002, he has been President of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and at the same time Professor of Economic Policy and Applied Econometrics at the Ruhr University Bochum .

His research focuses on applied econometrics, particularly labor and population economics and energy policy issues.

Since 2005, Prof. Schmidt has been responsible for RWI's innovation reporting for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and made early contributions to the measurability of innovation performance and competencies.

Professor Schmidt holds numerous functions and offices, including heading the Council of Experts for assessing overall economic development as “economic advisor” from 2013-2020. Since 2020 he has been chairman of the scientific advisory board of the Energy Economics Institute at the University of Cologne and a member of the expert panel for the promotion of top research at universities (“excellence strategy”) of the Joint Science Conference .

Innovations create the future. Inventiveness and commitment – ​​these have long been the most important raw materials in this country. We will solve the major tasks of the future with science and research.

Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst

The prize money was distributed across the four categories as follows:

  • Innovation category – 100,000 euros.
  • Young talent category – 50,000 euros.
  • Category innovation2business – 30,000 euros
  • The honorary award is not associated with any prize money.

With the award of the Innovation Prize, the state government is putting the spotlight on personalities for the twelfth time who, through their research, development and their unconditional desire for concrete application, make an outstanding contribution to ensuring that innovations are realized. With the award, the state particularly promotes research results that appear suitable for solving major societal challenges.

Source: MWIDE

Learn more?

Further information about the Innovation Award 2022 can be found here:
MWIDE press release