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4th NRW.innovative future workshop

Artificial intelligence and health: potential, opportunities and risks for innovative medicine and care

Great importance is attached to innovative procedures in medicine in order to promote health promotion and care, prevention and care. As the leading sector of the economy in North Rhine-Westphalia, the healthcare industry plays an outstanding role with diverse innovation potential. New findings from cutting-edge research, technological advances and demographic change, but also health policy issues and the interlinking of different actors, technologies and industries are central to being able to further expand the existing potential and opportunities.

Against this background, North Rhine-Westphalia has anchored innovative medicine on the one hand and future-oriented key technologies and ICT on the other as important fields of innovation in the regional innovation strategy. The aim is to continuously develop the transfer of knowledge and research results from science into application and to continue to promote climate-neutral and digital transformation in the health sector. An important element here is the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, which is associated with diverse potential and new areas of application, but also with challenges and risks.

We have invited you to the virtual future workshop to discuss different facets of the implementation of artificial intelligence in the health sector as a central pillar for achieving North Rhine-Westphalia's strategic goals. We discussed specific opportunities and challenges with regard to the existing structures, institutions and competencies in the North Rhine-Westphalian healthcare industry from both a technological and application perspective, discussed solutions to overcome risks and outlined concrete options for action.

We were very happy about the lively participation at the event and the exchange!

Your NRW.innovativ team