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AI and Big Data: Key to individual treatment in psychiatry

As part of the “Virtual Brain Twin for Personalized Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders” project funded by the European Union, the University of Bonn is pursuing a pioneering approach to the treatment of mental illnesses, particularly schizophrenia, in collaboration with the Center for Life Ethics and other European institutions. A main goal of the project is to develop individual virtual models of the brain through the use of artificial intelligence and big data. These models, known as “virtual brain twins,” are intended to allow doctors to tailor treatment to the specific needs of each individual patient.

The new technologies include neural microcircuit simulations and mathematical analysis aimed at improving the effectiveness of drugs and exploring alternative therapies. The complexity of the treatment of mental illnesses requires precise analysis of data from the molecular to the systemic level in order to optimally adapt therapeutic strategies.

This innovative project, integrated within the European digital neuroscience research infrastructure, EBRAINS, is expected to set new standards in personalized medicine. In addition to supporting researchers and clinical specialists, the project plans to be more directly integrated into clinical environments in the future to achieve concrete improvements in the treatment and understanding of mental disorders.

Source: Medizin.NRW

Learn more?

Further information about the “Virtual Brain Twin Project” can be found here:
