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International cooperation for scientific progress and technological innovation

The G7 research community released a major statement on the main challenges in science and technology during the G7 Summit and Science and Technology Ministers Meeting in Italy. This declaration highlights the importance of international cooperation and major investments in the research sector. It was signed by the Research 7+ (R7+) engagement group, which includes Spain as well as the G7 countries.

Research cooperation for global challenges

The focus of the joint declaration is on the major challenges that the G7 countries will have to overcome in the near future. The participating research institutions emphasize the need for significant investments in research. A central topic is artificial intelligence, which is playing an increasingly important role in the innovation landscape. The signatories emphasize the relevance of trustworthy and sustainable use of this technology. Basic research on deep tech, research infrastructures and open science should also be promoted.

The role of Germany in the international research network

Through the participation of the Fraunhofer Institute, Germany is heavily involved in international research efforts. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hanselka and Dr. Joachim Köhler represented Germany in this important initiative. They underline the importance of common standards and legal frameworks as well as promoting cooperation between research institutions and industry.

Innovation ecosystems and science diplomacy

The declaration emphasizes the key role of science diplomacy and the promotion of international research infrastructures. Long-term investments and collaborations are intended to strengthen innovation ecosystems and advance scientific progress. This is particularly relevant for the challenges of the energy transition and digitalization, which can only be overcome through joint efforts.

Future-oriented technologies and social change

The promotion of young talent and interdisciplinary collaboration are central elements of the research statement. Looking to the future, artificial intelligence should be developed and used for the benefit of society. The exchange of knowledge and technologies between leading economic nations is intended to accelerate economic change and progress in science and society.

Source: Medizin.NRW


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