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Digitalization, AI and social change in focus

The first creative.summit in Düsseldorf, which will take place on June 20, 2024, will address the central challenges of our time under the motto “Turnaround”. Digitalization, artificial intelligence and scarcity of resources are the focus of the event, which brings together prominent representatives from science, politics, society and the (creative) economy. The aim is to develop solutions for the necessary social and economic change through impulses, panel discussions and public discussions.

Transformation, society and economy are the three main topics of the summit, which will be illuminated by top-class keynotes and panel discussions.

Transformation: Change through design or disaster?

The event begins with a keynote by Prof. Dr. Maren Urner, a well-known neuroscientist and author. In her speech “Change by Design or Disaster? “How we do the former with our brains and intellect”, she addresses the necessary ways of thinking to overcome current challenges. She then discussed the practical implementation of her theories with NRW Economics Minister Mona Neubaur.

Society: The role of journalism in democracy

The first panel discussion examines the question of whether and how journalism can save democracy and be economically successful at the same time. Experts such as David Schraven from CORRECTIV and Nadja Schick from GroupM discuss the challenges arising from changes in the press and broadcasting market, in particular the effects of the creator economy and AI-generated content.

Economy: Future of business in times of digitalization

Technological progress offers the creative industries enormous economic opportunities. But the question of what business should look like in the future when digitalization and AI increasingly replace human work remains open. This topic will be discussed in another panel discussion by Bianca Creutz (Prognos AG), Prof. Dr. Verena Hermelingmeier (bonnvivir GmbH/Alanus University) and Oliver Kuschel (Impact Factory).


Learn more?

Further information about the creative.summit can be found here: