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The 2nd annual conference “Shaping Regional Transformation” took place on September 16, 2024 at Zeche Zollverein in Essen. The focus was on the exchange of experiences on scientific findings, structural policy framework conditions, options for action and projects for shaping regional transformation processes. In addition to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck and the North Rhine-Westphalian Economics Minister Mona Neubauer, more than 500 participants, including high-ranking actors from science, business, politics and society from home and abroad, discussed economic and regional policy issues in the context of equal living conditions.

What are the implications for NRW?
  • In view of global crises, better linking regional policy and transformation policy is of great importance
  • The prerequisites for the successful transformation of regions are, above all, the availability of skilled workers and a critical mass of actors, (social) infrastructure, functioning public services and financial resources
  • NRW and especially the Ruhr area have many years of transformation experience that offer good conditions for shaping the green and digital change of the future
  • The diversity of cities and rural regions and the economic structures in NRW offer potential for making the transformation towards climate neutrality economically and socially acceptable
  • Regions and municipalities should be strengthened to shape change more independently based on existing structures, to network and to ensure social participation

Source: NRW.innovativ