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Young start-ups show space innovations of the future


Space technology is beginning to have a decisive impact on our everyday lives. Economics and Climate Protection Minister Mona Neubaur and ESA astronaut Dr. Matthias Maurer presented the first 13 start-ups of the ESA BIC NRW incubation program in a mini in-house exhibition. These young companies from North Rhine-Westphalia demonstrated impressive innovations, ranging from drones for air logistics to exoskeletons for astronaut training.

North Rhine-Westphalia is the focus as one of the leading locations in the aerospace sector. Through the ESA BIC NRW program, launched in 2022, NRW is showing how big its contribution can be in this sector. Start-ups not only receive financial support of up to 50,000 euros, but also valuable management and technical support. With total funding of 1.4 million euros, NRW, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and DLR, is sending a strong signal for the future of space travel.

Source: AeroSpace.NRW; MWIKE

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Further information about the “ESA BIC NRW Incubation Program” can be found here: