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Vision of an AI hospital that focuses on the patient's experience

The SmartHospital.NRW project is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy (MWIKE) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for a period of 03/2021-02/2026. Under the consortium leadership of the University Medical Center Essen, the project, together with the Fraunhofer Institutes IAIS and MEVIS, RWTH Aachen, TU Dortmund, Dedalus Consulting GmbH and m.Doc GmbH, is dedicated to new AI-based use cases for hospitals at the forefront Research.

The ever-growing amount of health data enables the development of intelligent and personalized applications for early health detection, diagnostics, treatment and follow-up care. AI-based systems in particular offer enormous potential that SmartHospital.NRW would like to harness for hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia. The process model developed can be transferred to hospitals with different levels of digitalization and thus offer solutions for the entire industry.

The new process model

... supports individual operational planning, both for small and large hospitals. In addition to the AI ​​readiness check and Smart Hospital check, further practical recommendations are available in an offline self-test.

Source: Medizin.NRW

Smart.Hospital.NRW process model

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