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The Federal Office for Information Security supports cybersecurity projects for 5G/6G technologies

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is supporting four new research projects dedicated to cybersecurity in 5G and 6G technologies. The aim of these projects is to develop secure and resilient networks, improve industrial security standards and detect threats in real time.

One of these projects is 5G-HyprMesh , which is developing secure and resilient 5G mesh networks that are intended to be used in particular in the area of ​​smart mobility. Another project, BaseSec , focuses on developing a hardware security component for 5G/6G base stations to increase the trustworthiness of these infrastructures.

The CSII – Cyber ​​Security for Flexible and Interconnected Industry project, in which research institutions and companies from North Rhine-Westphalia are also involved, focuses on cybersecurity in German industry. By setting up an IT/OT testing laboratory, companies should be given the opportunity to comprehensively test and validate their digitalization solutions.

The initiative is rounded off by the RADARS project, which is developing AI-based anomaly detection for 5G/6G networks. This technology is intended to detect and ward off threats at an early stage in order to further increase network security.

With these projects, the BSI is providing decisive impetus to ensure the security of future communication networks and thus create the basis for a secure digital infrastructure.

Source: BIO.NRW

More information about the projects