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Looking for successful digital projects in rural areas

The “Digital Places 2024” competition has started. Deutsche Fiberglass and “Germany – Land of Ideas” are looking for innovative digital projects that make rural areas more livable and sustainable. Projects and initiatives can apply until July 2, 2024.

Digital Places Competition

The nationwide competition has been held since 2022. We are looking for initiatives, projects, municipalities and pioneers who have successfully introduced digital technologies. These success stories show how digitalization is transforming rural areas and promoting social development. The aim is to improve the digital infrastructure and solve structural problems in order to increase the quality of life and economic strength in rural areas.

Focal points and goals

The competition focuses on applications that drive digital change. For 2024, submissions can be made in the following categories:

  • Education, culture & social affairs
  • Health
  • Mobility & Infrastructure
  • Smart municipality and administration

Benefits for participants

The winners of the competition will receive:

  • National recognition through the “Digital Place 2024” seal of quality
  • Inclusion in a nationwide network of award winners
  • Support in public relations
  • Access to exclusive workshops and coaching offers
  • Opportunity to exchange ideas with other award winners and experts


You can find more information about the competition here: Digital Places (

Registration deadline: July 2, 2024

Source: Land of Ideas Management GmbH


You can take part in the competition here :

Digital Places Competition 2024