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Innovation is blockchain

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Blockchain.NRW helps the business world, from logistics to legal, break free from traditional and paper-based processes and thereby become safer, smarter and more profitable, enabling a new generation of collaboration, connectivity and innovation.

But what exactly is a “blockchain”?

A blockchain, also called a distributed ledger, is a decentralized database.
As a building block for digital business models, it allows secure, trust-based and efficient applications through anti-counterfeit protection and traceability of data and processes. We are convinced that a blockchain-based future is more sustainable, smarter and safer.
That's why we help you to get the best possible information about blockchain technologies and to network with experts and to realize these future-changing products and services.

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Your expert on blockchain

Wolfgang Prinz

Prof. Wolfgang Prinz, PhD is a professor at RWTH Aachen University and, as deputy director of the institute at Fraunhofer FIT, heads the cooperation systems department. He examines the challenges and opportunities of digitalization and develops solutions based on Web3 technologies, mixed reality and 5G. As co-founder of the Fraunhofer Blockchain Laboratory and head of the Blockchain Reallabor Rheinisches Revier, he works on blockchain-based applications.

Telephone: +49 2241 14-3111
