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BMWK promotes innovative solutions for health and care: applications for participation are possible until the end of August 2024

The third thematic round of calls for proposals was launched by the Innovation Program for Business Models and Pioneering Solutions (IGP). In this round, the focus is on market-related, non-technical innovations in the areas of health and care. Applications can be submitted electronically until August 27, 2024. The total budget is around 10 million euros, which is provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Funding opportunities in the health and care sector

The focus of the new funding call is on projects that contribute to improving health and care. The topics include, among others:

  • Prevention and care: Innovative approaches to improving health care and patient care.
  • Rehabilitation: New concepts to support rehabilitation.
  • Inclusion Innovations: Designs and concepts that promote inclusion and enable aging with dignity.
  • Support concepts: Solutions for sick people and people in need of care and their relatives.

Eligibility and process

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including start-ups and the self-employed, companies oriented towards the common good as well as cooperating research institutions are eligible to participate. The best ideas are selected in a multi-stage competition process. Projects that convince the jury will be invited to a pitch. Successful participation enables applicants to submit a full application.

Registration deadline: August 27, 2024, 3:00 p.m

Further calls for funding

The BMWK is also planning the next funding call, which is scheduled to start at the end of the year. This will focus on business models and pioneering solutions for better use of data and artificial intelligence. Further information about the current funding call and the IGP as a whole is available online on the BMWK website: BMWK – Innovation program for business models and pioneering solutions

Source: BMWK


You can find out more about the IGP funding call here :

IPG funding call