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The production of the future is being created in NRW

How we don't lose sight of our long-term goals despite the crisis

»How do companies in the manufacturing sector make their production future-proof and sustainable? What technologies are you investing in? How do you train your employees in a meaningful way? Anyone who deals with these and similar questions is in the middle of a long-term transformation process.

The data factory.NRW project was launched a good year ago to support the manufacturing industry in NRW in this transformation: from factory planning and industrialization to manufacturing to logistics and corporate architecture - AI is an important key to this.

The new brochure is aimed primarily at companies in the manufacturing sector. Inspirational pilot projects illustrate what is already possible with AI in production today.

Sources: KI.NRW, it's OWL

Learn more?

Further information about the brochure can be found here:
Press release KI.NRW